Visiting Lyondell Basell Moerdijk site and PB-1 plant
After a short introduction by René Scholtes – Site Manager to the Moerdijk site and the two plants that are located on this site, the PBPSA members enjoyed a tour through the PB-1 plant guided by Hans Noorlag – Operation Manager and Menno Kanters - Technology Manager.
It’s been an impressive visit giving more insights in the operations of a chemical plant thanks to the excellent explanations given by the Moerdijk staff. The PBPSA association would like to thank all who have made this visit possible.

PBPSA Management meeting at Thermaflex International
The day after, on November 14, the 63rd PBPSA Management meeting took place at Thermaflex International – Waalwijk, some 25km away from the Moerdijk site. After this meeting Patrick Spijkers - General Manager hosted a tour through the manufacturing and logistics areas of Thermaflex.
Enriching to see how the PB-1 raw material is being converted into pre-insulated pipe systems. Many thanks to Patrick Spijkers and Christy Du for hosting the PBPSA members at their headquarters.

Visiting Lyondell Basell Moerdijk site and PB-1 plant
After a short introduction by René Scholtes – Site Manager to the Moerdijk site and the two plants that are located on this site, the PBPSA members enjoyed a tour through the PB-1 plant guided by Hans Noorlag – Operation Manager and Menno Kanters - Technology Manager.
It’s been an impressive visit giving more insights in the operations of a chemical plant thanks to the excellent explanations given by the Moerdijk staff. The PBPSA association would like to thank all who have made this visit possible.

PBPSA Management meeting at Thermaflex International
The day after, on November 14, the 63rd PBPSA Management meeting took place at Thermaflex International – Waalwijk, some 25km away from the Moerdijk site. After this meeting Patrick Spijkers - General Manager hosted a tour through the manufacturing and logistics areas of Thermaflex.
Enriching to see how the PB-1 raw material is being converted into pre-insulated pipe systems. Many thanks to Patrick Spijkers and Christy Du for hosting the PBPSA members at their headquarters.