Polybutene-1 INFORM

Polybutene-1 INFORM is a periodic update informing subscribers of the latest technical information and applications for Polybutene Piping Systems. If you would like to receive INFORM please fill in the details listed below. Subscriber information is used for this purpose only and is not provided to other parties. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Latest news, innovations, product updates and case studies

The objective of Polybutene-1 INFORM is to keep subscribers updated on the use and capabilities of Polybutene-1 in piping systems ranging from major infrastructure to district energy to domestic projects.

Please be advised that your information is solely for our own use to deliver INFORM communication to you and not shared with others. If at any stage you wish to unsubscribe from the INFORM mailing list you can unsubscribe directly by clicking the unsubscribe link located on the footer of an INFORM email.

We hope you enjoy receiving Polybutene-1 INFORM!