Polybutene Piping

Polybutene (PB-1) Piping Systems

Polybutene-1 (PB-1) piping systems have demonstrated their exceptional long-life performance in demanding industrial, large-scale and domestic applications, and have broad acceptance among engineers, architects, planners, building contractors, installers and homeowners. Piping systems made from PB-1 offer efficient and reliable assembly, pipe flexibility, on-site handling and best in class energy efficiency.

Polybutylene PB pipe in coil

Polybutene is often referred to as Polybutene-1, Polybutylene, PB-1 or PB.

Polybutene is not sold by PBPSA members for use in pipe applications intended for use in North America, and those parties require their customers or distributors not to sell products made from Polybutene into pipe applications for North America.

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