PB-1 Material


PB-1 Properties

PB-1 Properties

In contrast to other competitive thermoplastics used in pressurised piping applications, performance modification of the material via compounding, cross-linking or copolymerisation is not necessary for PB-1 piping systems to fulfil the stringent performance standards applied to their use. Compared to other polyolefins, PB-1 has a higher level of resistance to strain under continually applied stress under heat over long periods of time.

Benefits of PB-1 for pressure piping systems

What does a higher SDR class mean in practice?

  • Get to know Polybutene-1 for use in pressurized hot and cold water pipe systems
  • Learn about the extraordinary characteristics of this most technically advanced thermoplastic material
  • What are the benefits of using PB-1 in piping systems versus alternative thermoplastic materials?
  • Opportunities to reduce the operational costs over the lifetime of a piping system

The following table illustrates the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of Polybutene-1. The values shown are typical mid-range figures and should not be considered as a specification - in fact, several different grades of Polybutene-1 are produced with properties tailored to satisfy different applicational requirements.

(a) Differential Scanning Calorimetry

(b) Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis