Product standards accreditation and suitability of purpose
Product compliance to the relevant standards provides assurance that the product will be suitable for its intended purpose.
It is the responsibility of every manufacturer to ensure that the products they sell are fit for their intended purpose. Standardisation bodies such as BSI, DIN, EN and ISO, provide the test methods and performance testing protocols by which manufacturers seek accreditation of their products. Using these standard test methods, accreditation bodies such as DVGW, KIWA, BSI and BBA provide the manufacturer with a recognised certification that their product meets an acceptable level of performance.
The Standards listings provided on the Standards pages of the PBPSA website and downloadable PDF file are for information only and although updated periodically, are not guaranteed to be exhaustive. Therefore, the responsibility to determine the standards to which a manufactured product must comply and obtaining approvals for those products and assembled systems from National and International hygiene and water quality authorities lies with the manufacturers of such products.
Questions relating to accreditations for particular products should therefore be addressed to the specific manufacturer.
Product compliance to the relevant National and International standards provides the purchaser and consumer with an assurance that the product will prove to be suitable for its intended purpose. The standardisation procedures associated with the performance of hot and cold water pressure pipes are extensive and demanding.
AS/NZS 2642
Polybutene (PB) plumbing pipe systems
AS/NZS 2642.1
Part 1: Polybutene (PB) pipe extrusion compounds
AS/NZS 2642.2
Polybutene (PB) pipe for hot and cold water applications
AS/NZS 2642.3
Mechanical jointing fittings for use with Polybutene (PB) pipes for hot and cold water applications
This series of standards specifies requirements for PB-1 pipe compounds, dimensions and tolerances for pipes and fittings and quality control procedures and criteria.
The standard is applicable for imperial size pipes in Australia and New Zealand.
AS/NZS 5082
Polybutene (PB) plumbing pipe systems - Metric series
AS/NZS 5082.1
Part 1: Metric polybutene (PB) pipes for hot and cold water applications
AS/NZS 5082.2
Part 2: Mechanical and fusion jointing systems
- Part 1 of these standards specifies requirements for materials, dimensions and performance for polybutene pipe for hot and cold water applications (metric series), including domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes.
- Part 2 contains requirements for mechanical and fusion jointing fittings suitable for use as fixed joints with polybutylene pipes manufactured in accordance with Part 1 of this series.
The standard is applicable for metric size pipes in Australia and New Zealand.
Polybutene (PB) piping systems for hot and cold water installations
GB/T 19473.1
Part 1: General
GB/T 19473.2
Part 2: Pipes
GB/T 19473.3
Part 3: Fittings
Similar to ISO 15876-1 to -3.
DIN 16968
Pipes made of Polybutene-1 (PB-1)
PB 125
General quality requirements and testing
This standard is applicable to straight, round, seamless pipes with dimensions in accordance to DIN 16969 made of compounds
- Polybutene-1 Homopolymer (PB-H)
- Polybutene-1 Random Copolymer (PB-R)
This basic standard specifies compound requirements in terms of composition and use of reprocessable material. It contains reference lines for PB homopolymers and copolymers in graphical form and in form of equations for calculating creep rupture strength at any time and temperature. In addition it contains procedures and criteria for quality control testing of pipes.
DIN 16969
Pipes made of Polybutene-1 (PB-1)
PB 125
This standard is applicable to straight, round, seamless pipes with dimensions in accordance to DIN 16969 made of compounds. For pipes specified in DIN 16968 this standard specifies dimensions, tolerances, applicable pressures and marking requirements of PB-1 homo- and copolymer pipes.
DIN 16968 and DIN 16969 are applicable in Germany.
BS 7291
Thermoplastic pipes and fittings for hot and cold water for domestic purposes and heating installations in buildings
BS 7291-1
Part 1: General requirements
BS 7291-2
Part 2: Specification for polybutene (PB) pipe and associated fittings
BS 7291-3
Part 3: Specification for cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) pipe and associated fittings
BS 7291-4
Part 4: Specification for chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C) pipe and associated fittings and solvent cement
- Part 1 of these standards specifies general requirements and methods of test for thermoplastic pipes and associated fittings intended for use within buildings for conveyance of water under pressure, for distribution of hot and cold water, including drinking water, and for circulation of hot water for heating purposes. The specified pipe systems are also suitable cold water at 50 years / 20°C and design pressure 12.5 bar. The standard contains service temperature requirements, testing procedures and quality control criteria. It is applicable to pipes having a nominal outside diameter up to and including 110 mm with or without incorporated polymeric layer to inhibit gas permeation through the pipe wall.
- Parts 2, 3 and 4 specify particular requirements for PB-1, PE-X and PVC-C pipe systems, respectively.
The standard is applicable in UK and Ireland.
Polybutene (PB) pipes
JIS K 6778
This standard is based on ISO 15876-2
This standard is based on ISO 15876-2 and specifies Polybutene-1 pipes for conveyance of water at temperatures up to and including 90°C. Pipes shall be in accordance with JIS K 6792.
Polybutene (PB) pipes for water supply
JIS K 6792
This standard is based on ISO 15876-2
This standard also based on ISO 15876-2 specifies Polybutene-1 pipes used for indoor water piping systems with a working pressure of up to and including 7.5 bar.
JIS K 6778 and JIS K 6792 are applicable in Japan.
Polybutene (PB) pipes
KS M 3363
This standard based on ISO 15876
This standard based on ISO 15876 specifies Polybutene-1 pipes for water works below 95°C.
KS M 3363 is applicable in Korea.
Pressure thermoplastic pipes and fittings for water-supply and heating systems
GOST R 52134
This Standard includes pipes made from the following thermoplastics: polyethylene, unplasticized polyvinylchloride, polypropylene and propylene copolymers, cross-linked polyethylene, chlorinated polyvinylchloride and polybutene
This Standard establishes the requirements for pipes made from all types of thermoplastics, for fittings and their joints – that is for the whole water-supply and heating piping systems.
Also, this Standard regulates the pipes dimensions as well as the service life parameters:
- Long-term strength of the materials in the form of diagrams “time – pipe wall strain – temperature”
- Operating conditions (classes) defined by a complex of temperatures and their action time as well as the pressure values
- Load factors
This Standard specifies the calculation procedure for the minimum pipe wall thickness depending on the pipe material long-term strength and a class of operation. A unified approach to the pipes quality monitoring is developed and a full scope of the test methods is presented which allow their estimation with the maximum reliability.
GOST R 52134 is applicable in Russia.
Polybutene (PB) pressure pipe and tubing for drinking water services
TIS 910-2532
Polybutene (PB) pressure pipe and tubing for drinking water services
This standard specifies classes, types and grades, sizes and tolerances, requirements, packing, marking, sampling and criteria for conformity and testing for polybutene pressure pipe and tubing for drinking water services.
TIS M 3363 is applicable in Thailand.